Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

Hey everyone,

It's the start of a new year, a time when many are thinking of new years resolutions. I've seen many posts on facebook and blogs talking about resolutions or goals people are setting this year.

I've decided to set goals for the new year. I want to see growth and progress and I want to have more endurance. I hope that when failure comes my way, which it inevitably will, I'll be more prepared to dust myself off and get up and start anew.

Here are my goals for the new year:

I want to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Spiritually- I want to spend more time this year praying, reading the Word, meditating on the Word, and in general growing a deeper relationship with God.

Mentally- This month I will start my new job of tutoring. This is one way I hope to achieve this goal. In order to do well at this job, I will have to be well versed in whatever subject matter my student needs help in. I also plan to read more on topics of interest fiction and especially non-fiction.

Physically- I want to live a healthier life style so I can be well and feel well. My mom is allowing me to use her tread mill and John recently got me Jillian Michael's 2010 work out for the wii. I can't wait to get my workout schedule hammered out. John and I also hope to have a healthier and happier puppy, so more walks with Sophie will be another benefit. :)

I want to read and write more.

My plan at the end of the year is to be able to say that I've read 50 books. I also hope to review many of these books. As far as writing goes, I plan to look for freelance work and continue writing for my blogs.

I want to worry less and enjoy each moment.

My plan is to make more time to reflect and have quiet time. More time to just be. I'm going to practice praying more and worrying less.

I want to spend more time with the people I love.

So what are your resolutions/goals for the new year? How do you hope to achieve these resolutions/goals?

<3 Anna

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