Friday, August 9, 2013

Blog Challenge: Day 2 (20 Facts about me)

Hey everyone!!!


I'm one happy girl on my way to GA right now!!! I can't wait to update you all on our awesome visit!!!

BUT before that happens, let's continue the blog challenge fun! Today I'm sharing 20 facts about me. Hopefully, I'll come up with some new things for even my best of friends and readers who have stuck by me for awhile. I'll try. ;)

1) My appendix had to be removed when I was in first grade. My few memories of the experience were watching figure skating on tv and wanting chicken noodle soup to eat the next day.

2) This one might not be too surprising, but I don't follow the status qua. Especially nowadays. One example,would be with tv and movies. I'm very hesitant about watching something just because so and so is. I like to find my own interests and I enjoy being my own person. This is not to say that I won't take you up on a movie suggestion, just don't be surprised if it isn't instantly on my instant queue on Netflix. ;)

3) I love to learn new things. I've been trying to be more intentional about this, so that is part of the inspiration for my Daring Girls Series here on the blog.

4) I'm obsessed with coffee, Peanuts, Batman, reading anything I can get my hands on, writing, Audrey Hepburn, Instagram, Pinterest, Disney everything (Beauty and the Beast is my favorite and always will be!), 1920's and 1950's. (Just to name a few things.)

5) I often shout "You're killin' me Smalls!" at my husband. I love baseball and movies about baseball. I'm an Atlanta Braves fan, but I don't take it too seriously. I'm thankful that I was able to attend a game that Chipper Jones played in. 

6) If I had money to blow on clothes, I would shop at stores like ModCloth and Bitter Root Vintage. I would look like someone who stepped out of a time capsule, but I would be one happy girl. ;)

7) I can read Spanish fairly well, but conversationally I'm challenged.

8) I do not understand people who do not enjoy reading. I can not fathom that. I inhaled books from the time I could pick one up.

9) I'm very picky about who my friends are. I have been hurt many times and I don't want to waste anyone's time. I'm looking for a real friendship. If you are interested, let's have a cup of coffee or your beverage of choice...if not, you can keep on going your merry way. kthxbye!

10) I want a super cute pair of cowgirl boots. I haven't found them yet, but I will. Yes, I'm picky about shoes too. Sue me!

11) I love women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling, Jennifer Lawrence, etc. These women are beautiful, strong, talented, and hilarious!

12) I get excited every time I go into a store and see fall stuff up already. It makes me so stinkin happy! Why can't fall be a little longer? Sigh!

13) My son scrunches his nose like me. It melts my heart.

14) My hope for the future is to monetize my blog and also work in some capacity with animals. I want to convince my husband that we should start an animal rescue. ;)

15) I love living in the country. It's where my roots are and it's who I am and I love it. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting big cities, but the country life is for me.

16) John and I both had cats named Cleo, before we even knew each other. John's Cleo is solid black except for a little white on her belly and she is still living. My Cleo was calico and she is deceased.

17) I really like Mexican food, even not so real Mexican food like Taco Bell. 

18) I'm from the south and I don't like sweet tea. AT ALL. I know, all you fellow southerners should disown me. LOL I love green tea and pretty much any hot tea though. :)

19) I love candles and creating a homey atmosphere.

20) My faith is very important to me. I'm thankful for a God that sees past my faults and loves me so strongly despite all of them. I hope that I can only grow deeper in my walk with Him.

*Bonus 1* I love camping. I love hiking with my hubby, taking pictures, finding new camping spots, watching Sophie playing in a creek, stargazing, eating smores, etc. :)

Now that I've shared, comment below with 20 facts about you. I look forward to reading these and getting to know you all better. :)

<3 anna


  1. This is so fun!! Drive safe to GA :) Come a little further down, would ya? ;)

    You know that fall mug you sent me? I use it every morning. <3

    I didn't know you were a baseball fan! Loved reading this!

  2. Have fun, Anna. I won't do 20 but here goes:

    I don't like horror movies/books
    I'm a sucker for food programmes on TV
    I'm always early for things
    I like cooking but not cleaning!
    I like words.... surprise, surprise...


  3. Oh cool!! Is it really this time of year again? I haven't done one in ages. I hope you don't mind if I copy-cat you?? Oh well... tis done.

  4. Love getting to know more about you. I also love love reading and are selective about my friends but for my friends I woul do anything. I am also a naturally happy person and always shy away from people that are negative or bitter. I am attracted to people who are strong, confident, ambitious and intelligent.
    That is all I can think of.


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