Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Monday evening I was blessed by the kindness of John's friend and my cousin. They both gave us gas money to help with an impromptu trip to Georgia. As I wrote in this post, my great-grandfather is dying, his kidneys have begun to fail. So it was very urgent that I get to Georgia and see him. I thank God that I made it there in time and in one piece. It brings me to tears remembering him smiling at me and telling me he loved me and that he was so glad to see me. That is a gift that I'll never be able to repay to anyone.

I've spent the last two days  in and out of the hospital visiting him. I'm so thankful for people who are given the spirit to work in the medical field, after dealing with this situation, I'm not so sure I would want to work or volunteer in any capacity at a hospital. What I mean is, it takes a special heart and individual to do such work. My heart just continues to break, maybe my feelings will change on this, but for now the feelings are just too fresh.

Sorry if this post is a bit here and there...I'm working on very little sleep and am physically and emotionally spent.

So my great-grandfather was placed in hospice care yesterday, due to his condition and his wishes, he won't be around much longer. He is still in the hospital and hospice is doing all they can to make his final days as comfortable as possible. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. My prayer is that we will be able to remember all the good times we shared and not be plagued with the memories of him being in so much pain.

Thank you to everyone who has commented and been praying. I appreciate you all so much. I will likely be behind with reading your blogs and commenting...but please know that I love you guys and appreciate all of you so very much.

<3 Anna


  1. I am thinking and praying for your family. I remember not even a year ago going thru this with my grandmother being placed on hospice. It's so hard to watch them go but rest in knowing he will be happier and in no pain. Hang in there friend. (HUGS)

  2. Praying for your family. It is so hard to go through that and being pregnant sure can't make it easier, but what a blessing that you've been able to be there!


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