Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Chicken Parm.

Hey guys!

It's been forever since I linked up to Cami's Tasty Tuesday linkup. So since I tried a new recipe last week, I thought I would get back in the groove. :)

Tasty Tuesday

I found this recipe via Pinterest and used what I had on hand. (So it isn't quite up to Dr. Oz's standards, but it's probably better for you than most Chicken Parm. recipes.)

What you'll need:

Buttermilk ( Don't have buttermilk? Take a cup of milk and 1 TBS. of lemon juice. Let sit for 5 minutes...viola, Buttermilk! Such a simple trick, still makes me excited...lol.)

Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts (I used chicken breast tenderloins. They are easy to work with, just use however many you need for your crowd.)

Fat Free Seasoned Croutons (Okay, so mine were not fat free, they were parmesan and caesar and came from Aldi...lol.)

Olive Oil Sprayer (Apparently, this is Devin Alexander's Secret weapon. So after looking up who the heck, Devin Alexander is, I will say this I just used the cooking spray I had here.)

Tomato Sauce (jar I got from Aldi...pretty tasty! Are you noticing a pattern here? I seriously can't get enough of Aldi. It's my new love!)

Low Fat cheese (Ummm...no! Sorry I used the mozzarella cheese I had in the fridge.)

***So yeah, my recipe is not quite up to par, but I used what I had on hand and was pretty proud of the results. :)

1. Soak your chicken in a ziploc bag filled with your buttermilk. (If you don't have buttermilk, you will want to do what I said in the ingredients part and make yourself some. :)

2. Crush your croutons in another ziploc baggy.

3. Coat your chicken in the crouton crunchies.

4. Coat your pan with the olive oil sprayer or cooking spray.

5. Bake Chicken at 350 until fully cooked.

6. Add your tomato sauce and top with cheese. Return to oven to broil and allow cheese to melt.

7. While this is going on, you may want to prepare a salad, garlic bread, boil noodles, etc.

8. Enjoy!

What have you been cooking?

<3 Anna


  1. I am so into using what you have on hand.
    Have a great week.

  2. Thank you for linking this in to Food on Friday.
    Hava a super week

  3. I love chicken parm! One of my favs :)

    Hahah..>I am a slacker for not even doing a TT linkup this week :( I didn't even get on my lappy once!!


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