Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Daring Girls: Palm Reading...say what?!

Hey guys,

I have stuck pretty closely with going through the book. I have only skipped one section so far on basketball and that was because I had Kristine do a great post on volleyball plus I can't seem to muster up enthusiasm over basketball. I could probably write a decent post on baseball, football, soccer, maybe even hockey, but basketball...I got nothing!

Today's post I was hesitant about writing because I take my faith very seriously and palm reading isn't exactly something that Christians are all gung ho about. I was able to get past that though and I'm sharing what I hope will be an informative piece on palm reading.

Palm reading is over a thousand years old. It was mostly performed by gypsies and magicians. It has become less ominous for some and is one way that people like to seek information on their personalities as well as their future. The palm reader usually tries to decipher what your dominant hand is and reads from it. They usually do what is called a "cold reading." They look at cues from your body, personality, and observations to make predictions about you as a person and what your future holds. Palm reading originated from Greek mythology. Each finger represents a god or goddess, the hand also has distinct features which help the reader make his/her predictions. The book goes on to share what each finger represents in regards to the gods and goddesses. (For example, Apollo represents the ring finger and tells of a person's artistic ability.)

Other forms of palm reading---include using the elements (Water, Air, Earth, and Fire) How do you know which element you are? Look at your hands. The characteristics of your hands tell which element you would relate to best. Another similar way would be looking at your hands and discovering which shape you would fit with. (cone,  spade, mixed, etc.) Once you figure that out, there are matching characteristics that go with whatever hand shape you have. (For example, a person with a pointed hand appreciates art and beauty.)

Now we get to what most of you are more familiar with...the lines. (heart, head, life, and fate) Each of these lines represents different aspects of life. (Such as, your heart line, which lies toward the top of the palm, under the fingers, starting at the outer edge of the palm and extending toward the thumb and fingers.) This line is said to represent cardiac health as well as your romantic life. And so on and so forth.

From a Christian standpoint, I don't believe in palm reading. I don't believe that a person could look at lines on my hand and tell me my future based on that. I think this was a very interesting study. I find it fascinating what people believe and I try to be respectful yet honest when I talk to others about my faith and their's, especially if it's different from what I believe myself. I think that palm reading probably has more of a life to it than people realize. I think that people should be very careful of what they bring into their lives and what they bring into their homes. Be sure to educate yourself and don't ignore any feelings of uneasiness or discontent. You are probably having those feelings for a reason.

Thoughts on palm reading?

My information came from The Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchman and Miriam Peskowitz

<3 anna


  1. Much like you, I grew up in a world where Palm Reading is a sin, and just not something you do, because it can open up to other realms of voodoo.

    As I've gotten older and learned more, seen more, I'm not quite so sure about our previous convictions. To be certain, I still believe palm reading, or any form of future-peeking should be viewed / handled with sincere caution and an understanding of the potential dangers. I take this caution from the story of King Saul and the medium he visited that he might contact Samuel's spirit.

    That said, I can definitely understand the interest in Palm Reading, mediums, etc. We wish to know the unknown. We desire comfort from those gone before us.

    Unlike you, though, I DO believe that there is such a thing as Palm Reading. I believe there is the fake version where people play-act at it, but may unintentionally tap into something beyond themselves. And then I believe there is the "real" version that is a bit more dangerous.

    Without faith, things like this do not exist. There are just too many people with just enough faith in it to make it exist... I hope that makes sense.

  2. Much like you, I grew up in a world where Palm Reading is a sin, and just not something you do, because it can open up to other realms of voodoo.

    As I've gotten older and learned more, seen more, I'm not quite so sure about our previous convictions. To be certain, I still believe palm reading, or any form of future-peeking should be viewed / handled with sincere caution and an understanding of the potential dangers. I take this caution from the story of King Saul and the medium he visited that he might contact Samuel's spirit.

    That said, I can definitely understand the interest in Palm Reading, mediums, etc. We wish to know the unknown. We desire comfort from those gone before us.

    Unlike you, though, I DO believe that there is such a thing as Palm Reading. I believe there is the fake version where people play-act at it, but may unintentionally tap into something beyond themselves. And then I believe there is the "real" version that is a bit more dangerous.

    Without faith, things like this do not exist. There are just too many people with just enough faith in it to make it exist... I hope that makes sense.


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