Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Hey guys,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We sure did! Before I share with you on that, I wanted to talk a little bit about Father's Day.

Father's Day is generally a very hard day for me personally. My biological father left when I was four years old. He was in and out of my life until I was thirteen years old. I have seen him since then, though he didn't know it was me and I didn't choose to speak with him. (It's a long story!) At around six, my mom married a second time, and things were good for awhile. It seemed that as long as we were children and didn't disagree or have a thought of our own, the man I knew as "dad" was good with us. It was when we started growing older and having our own independent thought process, that he couldn't deal with the lack of control he had over us. This slowly, but surely destroyed his relationships with us and my mother. My "dad" left us I think two Thanksgivings ago. I have seen him, but not spoken to him since that Christmas. This man has caused so much pain to my sisters and I, as well as my mother. God has been working on me and helping me not to be bitter over all of this. Anyway, that is why Father's Day is a hard time for me.

Thankfully, God has blessed me with a wonderful husband. The past two (very) hard years, I have celebrated Father's Day with John and his dad. Their relationship has not always been nothing but roses, but it has improved greatly and I'm thrilled that John can have a relationship with his dad. This year was especially excited because John is about to be a father. I'm grateful that I'm married to a man that I have no doubt, will be an excellent father. He already is! He has done so much and been so much for me already! I look forward to many more Father's Days like these!
Like Father,
Like Son. ;)

I feel that this story, my story, shows that God can work things out. He is still working on my family, He is faithful and only wants what's best for us. 

<3 Anna


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your "dad." I can't imagine how you feel and just hope that God will work things out. So glad that you were able to have a fun time with John's dad and just think how extra special next year will be!

  2. Hugs hugs + more hugs!
    I know we've talked about your situation before but am so happy God has blessed you with John AND his dad <3 Amazing. God is so amazing and knows what He is doing ;)


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